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Digital leadership, remote leadership, lean leadership and then super leadership: in order to put your company on the map in today's working world, you have to lead and motivate your employees. This is achieved through strategy, flexibility and innovation in leadership - also known as employee management or personnel management.

Future of Leadership: Leadership in the modern workplace

But what does leadership actually mean? What is meant by personnel management and what tools does it use? What is a leader, what are their tasks - and can leadership be learnt? Crewting explains: From the definitions of these terms to the tasks and types of leadership and the differences to leadership and management. We have the answers - and a guide to the most important topics!

What does employee management or leadership mean?

Leadership in the world of work means, first and foremost, inspiring and motivating your own staff and setting a good example. It means representing values as a manager and making these visible in your own actions in order to lead employees and the company into the future.

In the past, leadership would have been equated with the concept of management. However, the new leadership goes far beyond simply guiding your own employees. A leader does not simply stand at the head of the company, but acts in an employee-centred manner and values the input of each individual person that the leader tries to inspire on the basis of flat hierarchies. Modern leadership is therefore often referred to as personnel management or employee management.

Good and sustainable personnel management values the people and culture in the company, offers corporate benefits and actively promotes a feedback culture. This also applies to leadership in times of crisis or when the majority of employees are working from home: Digital leadership or remote leadership, for example, enables the retention of effective work processes through remote onboarding and maintains a role model and inspirational function in the working world, even from a distance.

Leadership & management: what's the difference?

So is a leader the same as management? No, even if, for example, they practise skills management and drive personnel development. This is because leadership and management pursue different goals and have opposing perspectives: leadership focuses on the people in the company, creates a vision and tries to model the future, while management concentrates on things and the present. As a rule of thumb, a leader is a visionary, while a manager is an administrator who keeps the company running.

Both roles are important for a company. It is difficult without management, and it is difficult without leadership. A leader can also be a manager - but it is difficult to combine both roles in one person. Good and agile leadership is therefore best achieved by someone other than management.

Setting off into the new world of personnel management with Crewting

Crewting provides regular updates on new developments and trends in leadership. We show how leadership works remotely, how to establish flat hierarchies or what special features employee management in the home office entails. Together, we want to take leadership to the next level and be part of the companies of tomorrow!