Hybrid team: the new way of working together

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The world of work and the associated working models are constantly changing. Digitalization and, most recently, the pandemic have led to more and more companies now relying on hybrid working - a mixture of working in the office and remotely from home or other locations. The rigid requirements of regular attendance are being increasingly relaxed and employees no longer want to miss out on the benefits of hybrid working, which is why the shift towards more flexibility in everyday life can no longer be stopped. The new way of working also brings numerous advantages for companies. Nevertheless, the challenges posed by the new way of working and work culture should not be ignored. 

So, what are hybrid teams and how do they work? How do hybrid teams affect the working culture and environment? And how can managers successfully lead and organize hybrid teams? Answers to these and other questions can be found in today's blog article.

What is a hybrid team - definition & hybrid models

A hybrid team, also known as a virtual-collaborative team or blended team, works together both analog and digitally. This means that some of the collaboration takes place on site in the usual office space and some of it is virtual. The respective company determines the framework conditions. There are now numerous constellations of hybrid working models. The individual models range from one home office working day per week to almost completely remote teams with only a few days of presence. The greater the freedom of design in the respective working model, the better employees can organize their working day according to their own wishes.

Advantages & popularity of hybrid teams

Hybrid teams are becoming increasingly popular with employees. Employees no longer want to miss out on benefits such as greater flexibility in everyday life, time savings and work-life balance in the modern working world.  The pandemic has brought many employees into contact with remote working for the first time and many have realized that it works quite well. Going back to the office completely is now unthinkable for most. The time saved by not having to travel to work makes it possible to take the children to school or walk the dog, for example. In today's fast-paced world, time is becoming increasingly scarce, which is why the time saved through hybrid working models can lead to a higher quality of life for many people. 

In addition to greater flexibility in everyday life and a better work-life balance, working in teleworking teams has other advantages. For example, employees are sick less often and even productivity is increased by working from home, as a study by Stanford University shows. And modern working models such as workation are finally possible.

Hybrid working models also have advantages for the company. The increased freedom of design within the working models means that employees can be better retained by the company, as satisfied employees generally remain loyal to the company for longer. Recruiting can also be simplified, as suitable specialists can be hired from anywhere worldwide. The digital way of working means that new hires can be made virtually anywhere. In addition, less office space is required, as fewer workstations are needed at the locations due to the distributed working locations, which saves costs in the long term.

Disadvantages & challenges of hybrid teams 

Despite all the advantages and opportunities, the challenges of digital teams should not be underestimated. Companies in particular need to take the necessary precautions in order to benefit from the advantages later on. The framework conditions, management style and office equipment must be suited to the way of working. Employees must be able to work efficiently regardless of location, which requires a high degree of digitalization within the organization. The corporate culture must also be adapted so that the shared values are not lost in mobile teams. If this does not work, performance in mobile teams can quickly drop.

Hybrid teams, where some members work on site and others remotely, can also create communication challenges and a sense of disconnect between team members. Furthermore, there can be inequalities in access to resources and information, which can lead to tensions within the team.

Hybride Teams richtig führen: Defizite erkennen, Probleme lösen

Leading remote teams is unique. But how exactly do I lead hybrid teams? Employees are sometimes isolated from their colleagues, which makes it difficult to build relationships with one another. The loneliness of working from home must also be taken into account. This can quickly have a negative impact on motivation. Last but not least, managers in hybrid teams have to rely on modern technologies and digital communication. Care must be taken to ensure that everyone in the team is equally involved. 

The basis for efficient hybrid collaboration is mutual trust. Team members must be involved in decisions and work independently in order to improve mutual trust. It is also advisable to use suitable tools for internal employee communication that facilitate collaboration and enable an informal exchange. Our blog article Remote Leadership provides more knowledge about the correct management of distributed teams. Crewting optimizes remote work!

How collaboration in hybrid teams works

Clear communication within the team and regular exchanges between employees are fundamental to successful hybrid collaboration. Standardized communication channels, a clear flow of information and virtual meetings facilitate exchange and promote transparency in a department. A weekly jour fix can become a virtual ritual that brings together both on-site and remote employees and strengthens the team. 

Mixed teams are supported by suitable tools that improve everyday working life through modern technologies and make flexible working models possible in the first place. It is important that the tool also suits the team. The selection of different tools is huge, which is why managers should get a good overview to ensure that the solution achieves the desired output later on and can be established well in the team. Digital feedback meetings can provide insights and knowledge.

Adapting your own way of working to hybrid working

Once the framework conditions have been defined by the respective company and the regulations of the new working model have come into force, employees must adapt to the new working environment. But how can everyone adapt their way of working to working in a hybrid team? The fact is that working from home requires a high degree of personal responsibility and self-organization. That's why employees should also be available at fixed times when working from home and, ideally, store their working hours in their calendar. This facilitates collaboration within the team. Arrangements should also be made for shared office days. For good cooperation within the department and successful projects, occasional joint office days are a good way to promote cohesion. 

The new way of working will also change the corporate culture. If a company masters the challenges of the hybrid working world well, numerous opportunities will arise. Opportunities to increase employee satisfaction and retain employees in the long term. Opportunities to take a big step towards the working world of the future and to be perceived as an attractive employer thanks to a contemporary working model.

In conclusion, it can be said that there are numerous design options for hybrid working models and that each company must decide individually how to deal with the current changes in the world of work. Current developments on the labor market show that working in hybrid teams will prevail in the long term and that hybrid work is already the norm in most companies.